jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

A World of falls

Resultado de imagen de fallingTo enter in this World I had to bump into the hole of the white rabbit (on purpose). And as you can imagine I started to fall. At first it was scary as hell, a million questions started to grow in my mind as a tornado. Some of them were basic in this kind of situation, such as "Will I ever touch the ground again?" or "If the fall stops what would the sound of my breaking body be?". Others were more philosophical, such as "Isn't Life itself an eternal fall to death?" or "What is Time but an unavoidable sequence of instants falling on an on and on... until they fall apart?" 

Imagen relacionadaSo I was sombody alive going straight to my own death, and I was the Time being measured by my fainting heartbeats.  
Then I remembered. I had been here before, a fallen someone.
This is where my my mind explodes. Always the same words running after the very same stupid and inconsistent thoughts. And that is all. So it stops. Earlier than the last time, each turn milder, more balance an quiescent. 
A star borns right 6,896252 milimetres from my left ear, and it looks like a jowel falling from my harmless body. And suddenly is the entire World -and not me- the one convicted to fall forever.

Regards... from any other world. 

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019

A World of changes

People are always changing their appearances and their opinions too. Nothing stays the same longer than five minutes. Nobody have the same job or even sleep in the same house during the same day. Their names are as different along the week as the variety of colours of a peacock.
In politics: kings, Queens, Republics, or even Anarchy live together and the social media portray this picture with no surprise.
They can say they love you and one second after deny it with all their heart, and that way you feel how broken their words are. But they live fine like this. They don´t need structure or stability. It would tear apart their World. I stayed there for a year and I just came back to our World feeling no one here understand that changing is not that bad. Change allows you to rethink situations, to feel confortable with death and right because of it with life.
Also, when I went there I saw that there are changes that we choose, and others we don´t. I think this is the most difficult part of change. Accpetance.

Resultado de imagen de persona espejo

Regards... from any other World.